Savings Account

Account Opening Requirements
Terms And Conditions
Fees and Charges
Data Privacy Consent Form

Preferred Peso Savings


  • An interest-bearing account, which allows deposits and withdrawals either over the counter with the use of a passbook or via ATM card or through Online and Mobile Banking.
  • Transactions can be done via over the counter or through ATM/ Online and Mobile Banking.
  • Uses passbook to monitor transactions.
  • Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1,000,000 per depositor.

Details Terms
Minimum Initial Deposit N.A.
Minimum Maintaining Balance (ADB) Php 5,000
Interest Earning Balance (ADB) Php 500,000
Interest Rate 0.100% p.a.
Withholding Tax 20%
Interest Credited Quarterly
Fund Access All AUB Branches, ATM, Internet* and Mobile Banking*
Transaction Record Passbook
Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit Php50,000 per day
Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1,000,000 per depositor.
Early Closure (accounts closed within 30 days from opening) Php 110
Below Maintaining Balance Php 250
Lost Passbook Php 100
ATM Card Php 150
Interbranch Transactions FREE
AUB to AUB Fund Transfers FREE

Preferred Peso Savings Plus


  • A Special Savings Account
  • An investment passbook account with a fixed deposit balance maintained for a fixed term and rate.
  • Pays higher interest rates than the Preferred Peso Savings account and competitive with our Time Deposits.
  • Passbook serves as certificate of deposit.
  • Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1,000,000 per depositor.

Details Terms
Minimum Placement Amount Php 100,000
Interest Rate Based on market rates
Withholding Tax 20%
Term/Repricing Cycle Minimum term is 30 days
Interest Credited At maturity
Fund Access Branch of account renewal, viewing for Internet* and Mobile Banking*
Transaction Record Passbook
Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1,000,000 per depositor.
Early Closure (accounts closed within 30 days from opening) N.A.
Others Pre-termination: interest based on prevailing savings rate

Starter Savings


  • A no-maintaining balance, ATM based, savings account
  • Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1,000,000 per depositor.

Details Terms
Minimum Initial Deposit N.A.
Minimum Maintaining Balance (ADB) None
Interest Earning Balance (ADB) Php 1,000
Interest Rate 0.100% p.a.
Withholding Tax 20%
Interest Credited Quarterly
Fund Access ATM, Internet* and Mobile Banking*
Transaction Record e-SOA
Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit Php50,000 per day
Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1,000,000 per depositor.
One-time ATM Card processing Fee Php 150
ATM Card Replacement Php 150
ATM Withdrawal Fee Free for first 2 withdrawals via AUB ATM; Php5 for succeeding withdrawals per month / Other Bank's Machine - depends on the ATM owner
Over the Counter withdrawal Fee Php 100