Current Account

Account Opening Requirements
Terms And Conditions
Fees and Charges
Data Privacy Consent Form

Preferred Peso Checking


  • An interest-earning checking account that maximizes the power of accountholder's funds by earning interest while checks are issued and comes with other banking convenience not offered by traditional checking accounts.
  • Transactions can be done via over the counter or through ATM
  • Uses passbook to monitor transactions.
  • Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.

Details Terms
Minimum Initial Deposit N.A.
Minimum Maintaining Balance (ADB) Php 10,000 / Php 15,000
Interest Earning Balance (ADB) Php 500,000
Interest Rate 0.100% p.a.
Withholding Tax 20%
Term/Repricing Cycle N.A.
Interest Credited Quarterly
Fund Access Unlimited checkwriting, interbranch check encashment, ATM, Internet* and Mobile Banking*
Transaction Record Statement & Recordbook
Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.
Early Closure (accounts closed within 30 days from opening) Php 110
Below Maintaining Balance Php 500
Lost Passbook/ATM Card Php 150
Others Cost of Checkbook:
Php 240 (personal)
Php 480 (commercial/corporate)