Current Account

Account Opening Requirements
Terms And Conditions
Fees and Charges
Data Privacy Consent Form

Preferred Peso Checking


  • An interest-earning checking account that maximizes the power of accountholder's funds by earning interest while checks are issued and comes with other banking convenience not offered by traditional checking accounts.
  • Transactions can be done via over the counter or through ATM
  • Uses passbook to monitor transactions.
  • Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.

Details Terms
Minimum Initial Deposit N.A.
Minimum Maintaining Balance (ADB) Personal: Php 10,000 / Corporate: Php 15,000
Interest Earning Balance (ADB) Php 500,000
Interest Rate 0.100% p.a.
Withholding Tax 20%
Term/Repricing Cycle N.A.
Interest Credited Quarterly
Fund Access Check Issuance, ATM, Internet* and Mobile Banking*
Transaction Record Passbook and e-Statement of Account
Age Requirement At least 18 y/o
Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit Php50,000 per day
Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1,000,000 per depositor.
Early Closure (accounts closed within 30 days from opening) Php 110
Below Maintaining Balance Php 500
Lost Passbook Php 100
ATM Card Replacement Php 150
Others Cost of Checkbook:
Php 240 (personal)
Php 480 (commercial/corporate)
Note: Php225 (Personal) & 450 (Corporate) if requested via Preferred Online Banking